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Why Does My Cat Scratch the Area Around His Food?

If your cat is scratching around near its food bowl, it could be causing some damage to your flooring or carpet (Click here to see my best 3 Bewishome cat trees with scratching posts to help this issue) But the question is why is this even happening?

Why does my cat scratch the area around his food? This is an instinctual behavior to hide the scent that leftover food leaves behind. Although this behavior is obsolete in captivity it still happens, which confuses cat owners.

Now that you know at a high level why this happens. Let me explain further as well as what is “floor pawing”, if some cats attempt to bury unwanted food, why they do this, and more. Keep reading…

Why does this scent cause cats to behave this way?

A cat with a green food bowl.

A cat with a green food bowl.

Some people look at this behavior and incorrectly interpret it as their cat not wanting to eat the food that they have provided. The reality, it is possible, but it is unlikely. Let me explain what it is more likely to be…

Instinctual Behaviour

In the wild cats have to hunt to eat. This is obvious I guess. However, what is less obvious is the reasons why they hide this food. There will always be some form of leftovers. These leftovers present a problem for cats, because of the scent it leaves around.

In the wild, this scent can alert their predators that they have been there. This can, unfortunately, help to track them down. Therefore, they have built an instinctual behavior of covering their tracks by digging up and hiding them.

This scratching around the area of their food in captivity stems from this behavior. It may seem odd to you, especially if you have wooden or tiled flooring. But cats still have this ingrained in them and will foolishly attempt to dig up wooden flooring to hide the scent of their leftovers, are you with me?

What is “Floor Pawing”?

This is similar to the same behavior we have discussed in this article. With a small twist, you may also see them kneading as well as pawing the area around their food.

Ultimately, it is arguably the same thing, to be honest. Depending on your cat, some have an almost obsessive tendency to spend a large amount of time doing this following a meal.

Even if your cat seems a bit obsessive, it does not necessarily mean that there is anything to be concerned about. It all still stems from the instinctual behavior of trying to hide the scent of leftover food.

Is this Behaviour the Same as Cats Burying Their Food?

Yes, this is a relatively common behavior. “Floor Pawing”, burying food, or scratching around the food area after a meal is all pretty much the same thing.

If you witness your cat trying to bury their food, it may seem similar to them attempting to bury their mess in cat litter (Click here to see why I chose these rimmed litter pans to hold in the mess). If that is what you are seeing, it is definitely the same thing.

Why Do cats Attempt to bury their food?

Typically, feral cats will bury their feces as well as their food. The reason why they do this is that buried food loses its scent. This allows them to avoid predators.

Female cats with kittens will have an even more vested interest in doing this. As well as hiding their own scent. They want to avoid any predators finding out that they have kittens nearby.

An extra deterrent from male cats, in particular ones that are not neutered, they will spray the area they perceive as their own (Click here to see if it is dangerous to clean cat urine with bleach). This is why some cat owners neuter their male cats.

Similar to Food Caching?

This behavior is not just isolated to the domestic cat. Other big cats, such as leopards, display similar behavior. This is commonly known as “Food Caching”.

Food caching is when the Leopard will store its food (catch of the day) high up in the trees. This is to stop any scavengers or predators from stealing the food or detecting their presence.

Will Cats try to bury food they dislike?

This does actually happen sometimes. In fact, it is quite similar to the behavior of hiding their feces. Effectively cats will see the excess food as waste, and even though they have no intention of returning to it, will instinctively want to bury it.

It is also part of a cat’s persona to keep clean and tidy. Always looking for an opportunity to keep their personal space clean and tidy. This will also get rid of the scent that is left behind to avoid discovery by unwanted predators.

Why do cats cover up their food bowl?

This again is a similar concept to “floor pawing”. However, you will notice that your cat will actually try to cover its bowl with an object(s) to hide it.

For example, if you had a newspaper laid underneath your cat’s food bowl. You may notice after the meal the newspaper is torn to shreds. This isn’t done for fun mind you. Your cat is trying to re-use this paper to hide its food.

The reason for this is the same, its an attempt to conceal the scent given off by the food and prevent their detection. Even though, technically, they have nothing to fear in a domestic home.

What is the best way to stop this?

If you notice that your cat is damaging your flooring or carpet, then this behavior can be quite a problem. For this reason, I am going to share some methods to stop this happening…

  • Take the food bowl away after eating.
  • Restrict portions to one meal.
  • Distraction.
  • Use a hard surface (that can’t be damaged).
  • Avoid “All-day grazing” food options.
  • Avoid punishing your cat for this.

Take the food bowl away after eating

Immediately after she has finished eating you need to remove the food bowl. This will take some patience and persistence, mind you. The annoying thing with this option is the fact that it is a reactive strategy, meaning you will need to monitor each meal like a hawk.

Restrict portions to one meal

Instead of large meals, restrict the portions to just cover one meal. This may take some practice to get the sizing right, but it is easier for you once you get that right. This is because you won’t have to monitor the bowl so much.


This method will entail you waiting for your cat to start scratching away, then immediately distracting his attention. This is easily done by using a toy, ball of string, etc. The idea is to move your cat’s attention away from clawing up your flooring.

Use a hard surface (that can’t be damaged)

To avoid this happening you can consider placing the food bowl on a hard surface that can’t be scratched and damaged, such as concrete (Click here to see how you stop a cat from scratching walls). This largely depends on what options you have in your house.

Avoid “All-day grazing” food options

Some cat owners like to leave out dry food options for their cats to graze on all day. The idea here is to avoid this. This only gives your cat ample opportunities to start scratching and burying food (Click here to see why this could be the reason why your cat is scratching up your walls).

Avoid punishing your cat for this.

Lastly, even if you catch your cat “at it”. Avoid punishing her for this. It is instinctive and will confuse her. Better to use one of these methods to ween her off it rather than trying this negative reinforcement method. Or even consider a cat scratcher to refocus her energy (Click here for my best 3 quality ones, not from cardboard).

Should you worry about this anyway?

Truthfully, if your cat is not disrupting or causing any damage to your house, such as your couch (Click here for my best 3 couch scratching protectors), I wouldn’t worry about it. This is normal behavior and should not be a cause for concern. If you can live with this, I would just ignore and accept it.

Why does my kitten scratch the floor after eating?

If you have a kitten as well as an adult cat, you may have noticed her scratching the floor area and it may have left you confused.

Your kitten may scratch the floor after eating because of her instinct. This behavior may be witnessed before or even after the meal. And, it is similar behavior to adult cats as well as big cats too. It’s not a concern, it’s natural.

So, now you know why your kitten may scratch the floor after eating.

Why is my kitten trying to bury his food?

As well as scratching the area around its food dish (Click here to see why I rate this kitten cat bowl, on Amazon #Ad) you may notice your kitten trying to bury its food, but, why?

Your kitten will try to bury its food because he wants to avoid detection by its predators. This is not necessary for a domestic setting, but it is a natural reaction passed down from their ancestors who would bury their food to stop their predators from finding out where they were.

So, now you know why cats will bury their food.

Is it normal for kittens to scratch themselves?

You may have noticed that your kitten is scratching herself and wondering if this is usual behavior or cause for concern.

It is not normal for kittens to scratch themselves excessively. If it’s just on occasion then it is not likely to be a concern. Otherwise, your kitten could have an infection or a parasite that they are struggling to get rid of.

So, now you know if is normal for kittens to scratch themselves.

Why do cats scratch around their water bowls?

With your cat, you may have also noticed her scratching around her water bowl. So, what could have caused this?

Your cat is scratching around her water bowl because she is trying to gauge the difference from the surface to the ground. This is made difficult if the bowl is glass or has reflective material, such as shiny metal. Therefore, avoid this to help her out.

So, now you know why your cat may scratch around her water bowl.

Is food caching similar to covering food?

Food caching is similar to covering food. The difference is this can happen before, during or after your cat’s meal. You may see your cat pawing, or kneading the area around its bowl at these times.

It is not a cause for alarm though. It is quite common. Although, when you first see it. It can seem like some odd behavior.

Can keeping your cat’s claws trimmed help with the floor scratching?

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Yes. trimming your cat’s nails can help reduce the damage to your floor. It is unlikely to completely eradicate the issue, but it can make a big difference. However, for it to make a difference it needs to be done on a regular interval.

For example, every couple of weeks should be sufficient. Don’t be alarmed, some cats will not cooperate and will make the job very difficult. If this is the case you can speak to your vet for some help or guidance.

After discussing, or taking some tips from your vet, you may find that in time you can handle this task yourself.

Why is my cat not eating and scratching around its food bowl?

If your cat is scratching around its bowl without eating then it means its not happy with the food, or its lost its appetite. If it’s the latter, it could indicate a health issue.

If it’s the former, your cat has indicated, by scratching around the bowl it’s done and wants to cover the remains. If this happens maybe you tried a new food option and your cat hates it. Or, maybe it’s full from eating earlier.

Why does my cat meow for more food when it has some already?

Your cat may meow for more food when there is some because it is not happy with the food. This could be for severferal reasons, such as the food itself, or the way it is presented.

Little things can turn a cat off the food. Maybe you have seen a cat rejecting pieces of dry food, but eating other bits? Well, this is an example of them being picky. And, it is no different from us humans not always wanting to eat what’s placed in front of us.

Why does my cat walk away from her food?

If your cat walks away from its food this is a clear indication that it is unhappy with the offering. Especially when it does not return. This could be because it’s the wrong flavor, too cold, etc.

Regarding the temperature, some cats do not like wet food directly from the fridge. It may be convenient to keep it fresh, but you may need to heat it slightly before it will accept it.

Lindsey Browlingdon