- How Strict Is JetBlue With Pet Carriers? (Read This 1st…)If you are planning a flight with JetBlue and have a pet you may be wondering what their criteria is and how strict they are with carriers. How strict is JetBlue with pet carriers? On JetBlue, there is a weight limit of 20 pounds. Also, the dimensions are limited to 17×12.5 inches. It is not… Read more: How Strict Is JetBlue With Pet Carriers? (Read This 1st…)
- Leaving My Cat for 3 Months (What should I Do?)If you have a long trip planned, you may be stressed about what you can do ith your cat, right? Well, there is only one good suggestion that I recommend. What should you do if you’re leaving your cat for 3-months? If you’re leaving your cat for 3-months or anything near that time frame, you… Read more: Leaving My Cat for 3 Months (What should I Do?)
- Can You Use A Dog Leash On A Cat? (Bad Blunder?)If you are considering walking your cat you may be looking at suitable leashes for it. This may lead you to consider a dog leash, but it’s likely you may question if this is a viable option… Can you use a dog leash on a cat? You should not use a dog leash on a… Read more: Can You Use A Dog Leash On A Cat? (Bad Blunder?)
- Why Does My Cat Walk Backwards With A Harness On?If your cat is walking backwards with its harness on, you may be wondering why this bizarre behaviour is happening… Why does my cat walk backwards with a harness on? When you put a harness on your cat for the first time, you may notice that they push themselves down and forward, often with a… Read more: Why Does My Cat Walk Backwards With A Harness On?
- Why Does My Cat Hate His Harness? (Discomfort or Fear?)If your cat hates its harness you may be wondering why this is happening and what you can do about it… Why Does My Cat Hate His Harness? Many cats do not like harnesses because it triggers their survival reflexes. When a domestic housecat feels the harness wrap around their upper body (primarily their upper… Read more: Why Does My Cat Hate His Harness? (Discomfort or Fear?)
- Cat Freaks Out In Carrier (Now What? Can I Calm It?)If your cat is freaking out in the carrier you may be wondering why this is happening and what you can do about it (Click here to see the reviews, on Amazon #Ad)… How can I stop my cat freaking out in the carrier? To stop your cat freaking out in the carrier you need… Read more: Cat Freaks Out In Carrier (Now What? Can I Calm It?)
- Best Cat Enclosures for CaravansWhat is the best cat enclosure for caravans? This is the best one (Click here for the reviews on Amazon #Ad). Read on for more info. Quick Comparison of Cat Enclosures Cat Enclosures Images My Rating 01. ABO Gear Kitty Compound Cat Play HouseClick here for the price on Amazon #Ad 02. Kittywalk Systems Cat TeepeeClick… Read more: Best Cat Enclosures for Caravans
- Do Cats Like Camping? (Or a Ridiculous Plan?)If you are curious about camping with your cat you may be wondering if they even like it and how to do it if they do… Do cats like camping? Cats do not naturally like camping but there have been owners that have been successful with it. For it to work you need to have… Read more: Do Cats Like Camping? (Or a Ridiculous Plan?)
- What Size Crate Should I Get For 2 Cats? (Read 1st)If you have two cats you may be wondering if its possible to put them together in one crate. And, if so, what is a good size… What size crate should I get for 2 cats? The size of your cat crate (or carrier) should be based on the size of your cats. For example,… Read more: What Size Crate Should I Get For 2 Cats? (Read 1st)
- Can You Bring Cat Litter On A Plane? (Or Not Allowed?)If you are planning on taking your cat, or kitten on a plane you may be wondering if you can bring liter on there… Can you bring cat litter on a plane? You can bring cat litter on a plane. In fact, it is recommended. But, you will need the correct litter tray, litter, and… Read more: Can You Bring Cat Litter On A Plane? (Or Not Allowed?)
- Can You Reuse A Cat Carrier? (Can It Be Cleaned?)If you have a new cat and hoping you can reuse an old carrier you may be wondering if this possible… Can you reuse a cat carrier? You can reuse a cat carrier. However, it must be fully cleaned out to get rid of the scent of the previous cat. Cat’s have a very strong… Read more: Can You Reuse A Cat Carrier? (Can It Be Cleaned?)
- Cat Carrier For Airplane Cabin (3 Best Airline Approved)If you are planning a flight with your cat you may be wondering what carrier is best for them on the airplane. What is my best cat carrier for an airplane cabin? My best cat carrier for an airplane cabin is this carrier (Click here for its availability on Amazon #Ad). This is because it… Read more: Cat Carrier For Airplane Cabin (3 Best Airline Approved)
- How do you travel with a cat for 8 hours? (Carrier?)If you are planning a long 8-hour journey with your cat you may be wondering if this is possible, and if so, what you need on your travels (Click here to see my best travel trick, on Amazon #Ad) Can you travel with a cat for 8 hours? You can travel with a cat for… Read more: How do you travel with a cat for 8 hours? (Carrier?)
- Will My Cat Poop On The Plane? (What Can I Do?)If you are taking your cat on a plane you may be worried and wondering how it will act on the plane. Will my cat poop on the plane? A cat might poop on a plane. The chances are it won’t because they are generally clean animals and prefer not to have the mess where… Read more: Will My Cat Poop On The Plane? (What Can I Do?)
- Traveling With Cats In A Fifth Wheel (Is It Safe?)If you have a Fifth Wheel you maybe wondering if it is a good idea, or if it is safe to travel with your cat. Can cats travel in a Fifth Wheel? Cats should not travel in a Fifth Wheel while it is motion because you have no view of what’s happening or if your… Read more: Traveling With Cats In A Fifth Wheel (Is It Safe?)
- 12 Hour Car Ride With Cat (Are Natural Sedatives OK?)If you are planning a long 12-hour car ride with your cat you may be looking for the best way to make it easier, or if sedatives will help you. Are car rides bad for cats? Car rides are not necessarily bad for cats but many cats do not enjoy them. This can be for… Read more: 12 Hour Car Ride With Cat (Are Natural Sedatives OK?)
- Is It Bad To Keep a Harness On a Cat? (Or in a Stroller?)If you are thinking about a cat harness, or just curious, you may be wondering if it is a bad idea or not. Or, if cats would prefer other methods, such as a pet stroller. Is it bad to keep a harness on a cat? It is not bad to keep a harness on a… Read more: Is It Bad To Keep a Harness On a Cat? (Or in a Stroller?)
- Do Cats Like Bubble Backpacks? (This May Surprise You)If you are researching bubble carriers for your cat (Click here to see my best on Amazon #Ad) you may be curious if cats actually appreciate them or not. Do cats like bubble backpacks? Some cats love bubble backpacks, while others not so much. The ones that do appreciate the fact that they can get… Read more: Do Cats Like Bubble Backpacks? (This May Surprise You)
- How To Keep Cats In An RV (The Simple Way/Safely)If you are getting prepared for a journey in your RV, or already on your way, you may be wondering how you can keep your cat in the RV (Click here to see my best solution, on Amazon #Ad). Can you travel with a cat in an RV? You can travel with your cat in… Read more: How To Keep Cats In An RV (The Simple Way/Safely)
- Kia Soul Smells Like Cat Pee (Why? & Now What?)If your Kia Soul is smelling like cat pee you may be wondering why, how you can get rid of the smell (Click here for my best solution, on Amazon #Ad), and how to prevent this foul smell going forward. Why Does My Kia Soul Smell Like Cat Pee? There are three main reasons your… Read more: Kia Soul Smells Like Cat Pee (Why? & Now What?)
- Cat Hyperventilating in Car (Now What? +Prevention)If your cat is hyperventilating in your car, when you are traveling, you may be scared and wondering why it’s happening and what you use to calm her down (Click here to see my best solution, on Amazon). Why is my cat hyperventilating in the car? While some cats are perfectly happy in a car… Read more: Cat Hyperventilating in Car (Now What? +Prevention)
- Can I Bring Dry Cat Food On a Plane? (Guide/Tips)If you are planning a plane ride with your cat, you may be wondering if you can bring some dry cat food (Click here to see my best one, on Amazon #Ad) to comfort her on the flight. Can I bring dry cat food on a plane? Dry cat food is permitted on most airlines.… Read more: Can I Bring Dry Cat Food On a Plane? (Guide/Tips)
- Cat Litter in Motorhome/RV? (Where? & What’s Best?)If you are planning a trip with a cat in your motorhome (or RV), you may be wondering where my best place to store the litter box (Click here to see the price, on Amazon #Ad) is. Where to store a litter tray in your Motorhome (or RV)? The best place to store a litter… Read more: Cat Litter in Motorhome/RV? (Where? & What’s Best?)
- Can I Give My Cat Benadryl For a Long Car Ride?If you have a long car ride ahead of you, you may be wondering if Benadryl can be an option for your cat on a long drive (Click here to see the price, on Amazon #Ad). Can I give my cat Benadryl for a long car ride? Cats can be given Benadryl, but it’s advisable… Read more: Can I Give My Cat Benadryl For a Long Car Ride?