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Can Laxatone be Mixed With Food? (Will it work?)

If you have a cat that has issues with hairballs or even constipation you may be considering Laxatone. But, is it possible to put it in their food?

Can Laxatone be mixed with food?

Yes, you can put mix Laxatone with food. Some cat owners choose to mix it with wet food because it can be eaten undetected. Some cats will eat it without a problem while others may just reject it. You have to try and see.

So, now you know that Laxatone can be mixed with cat food. But, what is Laxatone anyway? How long does it take to work? How do I know if my cat has a blockage? Keep reading to learn this and so much more.

What is Laxatone?

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The chances are if you are here reading this article you know what Laxatone is. But, to make sure, let me clarify.

Laxatone is a lubricant for cat hairballs. However, it can also be used for constipation. It can be used for prevention or dealing with hairballs that have already developed. But, does it work fast?

How long does Laxatone take to work?

If you are keen to use Laxatone to get rid of hairballs or whatever the issue is you may be wondering how long it would take for it to take effect.

Laxatone can take five to six days to work as a laxative. However, if you are using it for hairballs it can take up to two weeks. Laxatone has two main functions, dealing with constipation and hairballs. It is more commonly known for the later.

So, now you know using Laxatone is effective but it is not an overnight process. So, you need to be patient and monitor the effects to make sure it is working for your cat. But is there a chance that you can overfeed Laxatone?

Can you give a cat too much Laxatone?

If you are keen to use Laxatone you may be wondering if it is possible to give your cat too much.

Yes, you can give your cat too much Laxatone. It is better to follow the directions on the packaging to make sure you administer the correct dosage. If you give your cat too much Laxatone it could interfere with the intestinal wall, blocking the nutritional absorption.

So, now you know it is not a good idea to use too much Laxatone, as you would expect. But, how do you know if your cat has a blockage in the first place?

How do I know if my cat has a blockage?

If you suspect that your cat has a hairball (Click here to see how long it takes to pass) or potentially constipated you may be wondering how to know what it is, is it a blockage or not?

Symptoms of a blockage in your cat include her complaining and crying. Also, not willing to lie down, loss of energy, or you may even notice that she is retching or gagging without anything coming up. If you see this it needs some attention.

As you can see there are quite a few different signs that your cat could have a blockage. However, if there is any doubt it is worth consulting with your vet to make sure. But, can hairball cause constipation?

Can hairball cause constipation?

If you have noticed that your cat has not been eliminating recently and you know that it is out of character, you may be wondering if she has constipation. Can a hairball do this?

Yes, a hairball can cause constipation. It is also known to cause vomiting as well. The hairball can get stuck in their digestive system and make it very difficult for them to bring it back up and get rid of it.

So now you know that a hairball can cause constipation. But, what about butter, is it true it can help?

Can cats eat butter for hairballs?

An open pack of butter.

An open pack of butter.

You may have heard that using butter is an effective home remedy for hairballs. But, is this just a rumor or is it true?

Yes, cats can eat butter for hairballs. It is believed that the fats in the butter will lubricate the hairball and allow it to be removed from your cat’s system. It works in some cases but sometimes it does not.

As you can see butter is a known home remedy for hairballs. But, it is not 100% effective.  Therefore it might be worth giving it a try.

If not you may need to try something else, such as Laxatone, or another home remedy. But, what home remedies can be used?

What home remedy can I give my cat for hairballs?

So, now you have found out that your cat has hairballs. No doubt you are looking for solutions, in particular home remedies that you can use to make life easier for your cat, right?

The best home remedies to get rid of cat hairballs is to increase your cat’s fiber. This can be as simple as giving her canned pumpkin, apples, or carrots. Other solutions could be putting flax, safflower, or fish oil into her food. And, increase her water intake.

As you can see there are several different things that you can use to get rid of hairballs. Some of them will work, others may not. If they do not work then you can look into other solutions, like Laxatone.

However, prevention is always better than cure. So, some proactive ways to stop it happening again could be as simple as grooming her more regularly. This could be done by using:

  • A grooming glove

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  • Or even a cat brush.

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Why does my cat keep gagging but not throwing up?

If you have noticed that your cat is gagging but not throwing up this could be a cause for concern but what is happening here?

If your cat is gagging but not throwing up this is a known symptom of a hairball. Your cat is likely to be dry heaving or gagging to try and clear the hairball out of his system. This is quite a common symptom that many cat owners have seen.

The hairball is causing an obstruction that your cat is trying to clear. As discussed in this article, there are many different things that you can try to treat this.

Can a hairball get stuck in a cat’s stomach?

If your cat has a hairball you may be wondering if it could get stuck in her stomach. Is this even possible?

Yes, a hairball can get stuck in your cat’s stomach. It can get stuck in her intestines. If it gets stuck there for a while it can become a big problem because it can become hard as it mineralizes. This will make it hard for your cat to cough it back up and get caught in its esophagus.

So now you know that a hairball can get stuck in your cat’s stomach. But how do you know if the hairball is stuck?

How do you know if your hairball is stuck?

If you fear that your cat has a hairball you might be wondering how you can be certain that they have it stuck.

To know if your cat has a hairball stuck there are symptoms that you can look out for. Such as coughing and gagging, known as “cough-gag-retch”. Some people mistakenly call this “dry heaving”. But, to be safe is best to get it checked by a vet.

Sometimes it is difficult to work out if your cat is gagging in general, or as a result of the hairball. Sometimes this could be just the standard cough or it could be retching, which could be followed up with vomiting.

Therefore it is not always possible to diagnose at home. And, may need professional assistance from your vet.

How can I give laxatone to a cat?

According to vetrxdirect, laxatone should be given to a cat orally. However, this may sound easier than said. Therefore you can place a small drop on its nose or paw, in the hope, it will wet its appetite and make it easier to provide more.

Read the instructions on the packaging for the recommended dosage, but this simple tip could make it so much easier to let your cat accept it in the first place.

How much laxatone to give a cat?

Vetrxdirect says that you should give your cat 0.5 to 1 teaspoon. This should be repeated for a few days, then reduced to 0.25 to 0.5 up to 2 to 3 days a week. But, it’s best to check the packaging for the latest, up-to-date recommendation for your cat.

Is laxatone for cats used for constipation?

Laxatone for cats can be used as a laxative but is also known to be effective for hairballs. Depending on your specific needs it’s worth checking the packaging or with your vet to confirm it’s correct for your cat.

If your cat is constipated it is important to understand the root cause of the issue first. Why? Because it could be caused by a blockage, and in this case, remedies like laxatone may not be the best option.

Does laxatone make cats vomit?

Laxatone is not proven to make cats vomit. However, if a cat vomits after taking it, which has been reported before, this may be down to many variables. It could be what the cat ate before, or being unwell in general.

Think of it like this, if you wake up sick in the morning, was it that takeaway pizza you purchased on the way home? Or maybe that milk in the fridge that “seemed OK”, my point is, sometimes it’s hard to say for sure.

Is laxatone safe for cats?

In general, according to this site laxatone is regarded as a safe product for cats. It has been used by many cat owners which helps to offer some confidence. However, like any orally taken product, there will always be some negative report, or claims of it not agreeing with their pet.


Lindsey Browlingdon